Praktisk informasjon
Dato: | Sted: |
16.12.2023 | Kulturhuset i Bergen |
Pris: | Student: | Sal: | Arrangementstart: | Vergeordning: |
200,- | 150,- | Lillesalen | 21:00 | Ja |
- Dato: 16.12.2023
- Sal: Kulturhuset i Bergen
- Pris: 200,-
- Student: 150,-
- Scene: Lillesalen
- Arrangementstart: 21:00
- Vergeordning: Ja
Kulturhuset i Bergen, Bergen Salsafest presenterer:
Bergen Salsafest - Christmas Edition
The best tunes for salsa, wooden dancefloor, central location with open bar, good atmosphere and great people that loves social dancing.
21.00 - 22.00 - Party class - Bachata Fusion with Ivan Canalejo (come alone or together, we will rotate during the class).
2200 - 01.00 - Salsa party with a touch of bachata
CC: NOK 200 / 150 (student ID) - Partyclass + Salsaparty
CC: NOK 150/ 100 (student ID) - Salsaparty
ID: 20 years
Your DJs for this evening:
- DJ Mohsin
- DJ Vikingo
- DJ Raul
Limited tickets - secure your spot by Vipps to: 796078 (Mundal Event) with your name + Bergen Salsafest