Praktisk informasjon
Dato: | Sted: |
11.02.2023 | Kulturhuset i Bergen |
Pris: | Sal: | Arrangementstart: | Vergeordning: |
100,- | Hovedsalen | 23:00 | Ja |
- Dato: 11.02.2023
- Sal: Kulturhuset i Bergen
- Pris: 100,-
- Scene: Hovedsalen
- Arrangementstart: 23:00
- Vergeordning: Ja
Olle Abstract har vært en av landets mest prominente DJer i løpet av de siste 30 årene. Kjent fra både NRK P3 og alt som finnes av legendariske klubber i hovedstaden, har mannen kvalitetssikret det som har kommet ut av høyttalerne hvor enn han opptrer.
Fra presseskrivet:
Olle Abstract is a DJ with his finger firmly on the pulse of this music, a nonpartisan tastemaker, that is as comfortable in the company of the latest pop sensation as he is sampling the delicacies from House music’s more obscure origins. Coming up through the ranks with the likes of G-Ha in Oslo, through the channels at the now legendary Skansen, Olle Abstract has been the unwavering thermostat by which we gauge the temperature of House music in the Norwegian capital. His monthly podcast, LYD in which he introduces us to new Norwegian music is an imperative part of our ongoing musical education at Jæger and when we do have the honour of his larger than life presence in our booth, we’re always amazed by the versatility of the DJ. His mixes burn through the rings of Space Disco, passes by the lunar stations of Afro-Beat, and gets sucks in to the black-hole of acid into the furthest possible dimensions of House, Techno and Disco. Olle Abstract is uncompromising as he travels through the entire universe of club music, bridging a gap between the then and now as he calls on some classic cuts while bringing a forgotten dynamic charm to this mixes. Olle Abstract is Oslo’s House music don.
ID 20
Oppstart arrangement: 23.00
NB! Vi anbefaler alle å kjøpe billett til våre klubbarrangementer på forhånd! Da går det mye raskere ved inngangsdøren, og det blir mindre kø😊