
Torsdag 16. juni

Kl. 06:30

Rise & Rave


To all the dance floor lovers out there: we are ready to rise and rave for the first time at Kulturhuset from 6:30-9:00 on June 16th! As always, incredible music, visuals, and food await. Wear your most ridiculous costume or just come as you are on the way to work or school. Anything goes!


Praktisk informasjon

Dato: Sted:
16.06.2022 Kulturhuset i Bergen
Pris: Kun billett uten frokost: Scene: Innslipp: Konsertstart: Vergeordning:
160,- 80,- Hovedsalen 06:30 06:30 Ja
  • Dato: 16.06.2022
  • Scene: Kulturhuset i Bergen
  • Pris: 160,-
  • Kun billett uten frokost: 80,-
  • Scene: Hovedsalen
  • Innslipp: 06:30
  • Konsertstart: 06:30
  • Vergeordning: Ja

Kulturhuset i Bergen presenterer:

Rise & Rave

About us: Rise and Rave is a new sober morning dance party project started by a team of early morning dance enthusiasts. We have joined forces with Kulturhuset to bring you this year’s first morning dance celebration after a long awaited return! We promise to bring you regular parties as long as you join us June 16th!

80,- for a party
140,- for party and breakfast snack