
Mandag 27. februar

Kl. 18:00

The FMV Book Club February Meeting: Assata: An Autobiography by Assata Shakur


Welcome to the second The Female Minority Voices Book Club meeting of the year! For February and Black History Month, our book pick is Assata: An Autobiography by black female revolutionary Assata Shakur.

FMV feb 2

Praktisk informasjon

Dato: Sted:
27.02.2023 Kulturhuset i Bergen
Sal: Innslipp: Arrangementstart: Vergeordning:
TBA 17:45 18:00 Ja
  • Dato: 27.02.2023
  • Sal: Kulturhuset i Bergen
  • Scene: TBA
  • Innslipp: 17:45
  • Arrangementstart: 18:00
  • Vergeordning: Ja

Kulturhuset i Bergen, Female Minority Voices presenterer:

The FMV Book Club February Meeting: Assata: An Autobiography by Assata Shakur

Note: The event takes place on the mezzanine at the 2nd floor.

About the book:

On May 2, 1973, Black Panther Assata Shakur (aka JoAnne Chesimard) lay in a hospital, close to death, handcuffed to her bed, while local, state, and federal police attempted to question her about the shootout on the New Jersey Turnpike that had claimed the life of a white state trooper. Long a target of J. Edgar Hoover's campaign to defame, infiltrate, and criminalize Black nationalist organizations and their leaders, Shakur was incarcerated for four years prior to her conviction on flimsy evidence in 1977 as an accomplice to murder.

This intensely personal and political autobiography belies the fearsome image of JoAnne Chesimard long projected by the media and the state. With wit and candor, Assata Shakur recounts the experiences that led her to a life of activism and portrays the strengths, weaknesses, and eventual demise of Black and White revolutionary groups at the hand of government officials. The result is a signal contribution to the literature about growing up Black in America that has already taken its place alongside The Autobiography of Malcolm X and the works of Maya Angelou.

Two years after her conviction, Assata Shakur escaped from prison. She was given political asylum by Cuba, where she now resides.


OFFER: Our team member Rodolfo Baldinotti will be able to order the book for those of you who want to use this offer. He will give a list to the bookstore (Norli Strandgaten) and you will be contacted when the book is ready to be picked up (payment then and there).

Send an email with your full name and contact information to femaleminorityvoices@gmail.com


And as always, if you don't get the chance to read the book, come anyway!

The book functions as a conversation starter, so just read up on the theme/topic of the book, and join us for a good conversation - and bring a friend!

See you there!

Join our book club here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/382802586790525