
Mandag 30. januar

Kl. 18:00

The FMV Book Club January Meeting: The Unedited Diaries of Carolina Maria De Jesus


Welcome to the first The Female Minority Voices Book Club meeting of the year 2023! For the month of January, we've picked a book by a Afro-Brazilian female author, namely: The Unedited Diaries of Carolina Maria De Jesus

FMV jan2

Praktisk informasjon

Dato: Sted:
30.01.2023 Kulturhuset i Bergen
Sal: Innslipp: Arrangementstart: Vergeordning:
TBA 17:45 18:00 Ja
  • Dato: 30.01.2023
  • Sal: Kulturhuset i Bergen
  • Scene: TBA
  • Innslipp: 17:45
  • Arrangementstart: 18:00
  • Vergeordning: Ja

Kulturhuset i Bergen, Female Minority Voices presenterer:

The FMV Book Club January Meeting: The Unedited Diaries of Carolina Maria De Jesus

Note: The event takes place on the mezzanine at the 2nd floor.

About the book:

Carolina Maria de Jesus' best-selling book, Quarto de Despejo (The Trash Room), depicted the harsh life of the slums; it also spoke of the author's pride in her blackness, her high moral standards, and her patriotism.

Since the 1960s, more that a million copies of her diary have been sold worldwide. Yet many Brazilians refused to credit someone like Carolina with authorship of such a diary, with its complicated words (some but not all of them misused) and often lyrical phrasing. Doubters preferred to believe the book was either written by Audalio Dantas, the enterprising newspaper reporter who discovered her, or that Dantas rewrote it so substantially that her book is a fraud. With the cooperation of Carolina's daughter, Vera Eunice de Jesus Lima, recent research shows that although Dantas deleted considereable portions of the diary (as well as a second one, Casa de Alvenaria), every single word was Carolina's.

This book not only sets the record straight by providing detailed translations of Carolina's unedited diaries but also explains why Brazilian elites were motivated to obscure her true personality and present her as something she was not. The Unedited Diaries of Carolina Maria de Jesus is not only about the writer but about Brazil as a whole as recorded by her sarcastic pen.

The diary entries in this book span from 1958 to 1966, five years beyond text previously known to exist. They show Carolina as she was, preserving her Joycean stream-of-consciousness language, her pithy characterizations, and her allusions to antiquity.


Tip: As it takes some time before the book arrives, I strongly recommend ordering the book now to get it in time before the first meeting of 2023, in January.

You can find and order this book online:




Or you could ask your local bookstore - or library - to order it in for you.


OFFER: Our team member Rodolfo Baldinotti will be able to order the book for those of you who want to use this offer. He will give a list to the bookstore (either Norli Strandgaten or Heim) and you will be contacted when the book is ready to be picked up (payment then and there).
Send an email with your full name and contact information to femaleminorityvoices@gmail.com


And as always, if you don't get the chance to read the book, come anyway!

The book functions as a conversation starter, so just read up on the theme/topic of the book, and join us for a good conversation - and bring a friend!

See you there!

Join our book club here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/382802586790525